onsdag 20. mai 2009

Awaken from the dead! Like a phoenix (or crow) from the ashes..

Been dead tired after some crazy 17 days, but finally and officially Sofie is now awaken from the dead.

I have my (almost) normal voice back - I can talk again, but singing in the shower is still not quite the same. Being more embarassed than usual by my singing voice is more than my frail self-esteem can bear; even with no audience I am now holding back. Despite this fact, which is probably a relief for the poor shower, it is an improvement. My voice has been compared to a crow's breaking voice, to mention one of the kinder statements! Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you some great news: I am no longer a crow! (at least I'm not talking like one)

I played beach volleyball today! Funfunfun. Still sand all over the place, or all over me to be more accurate. In my pants. Sox. Even underpants. Shower next stop, still without singing...

Something else interesting: I talked for a looong time with two missionaries from the mormon church. They were really nice. I find it interesting to talk to people like that, and I utterly and sincerly admire them for their strong faith. I admire, and also envy people who can believe so unquestionably in something. Still, there are so many religions out there. Who knows which one is the right one? I believe in some supernatural power, but I can't just swallow everything that one religion is telling me. I am considering leaving the state church. I like it there, but it feels like conspiracy to be a member of a church in which I never participate or truly believe in. Faith though, is a strong power. Look at the placebo effect. Anything is possible if you just believe. Well, almost anything. I think I have my own God. As long as I follow my heart and do the best I can, wouldn't he be happy even if I don't go to church and pray?

Exams are approaching at the unbearable speed of light. English is this coming Friday, then Norwegian is on Monday. These I am not worried about, though my lack of nerves may and may not be a good thing. The deathly-feared chemistry is not until June 2nd, so I am still capable of sleeping at night! With some studying that should be fine too.

An exam is a test lasting for 5 hours, a test over everything you've had in this class ever. In English and Norwegian it'll probalby just be to write an essay, analysis, article, etc. In chemistry that means memorizing the last two years of chemistry..

At least, I have no more normal school days at Ålesund Videregående Skole /Ålesund high school for the rest of my life! Only exams.. and then nothing! An end-of-term ceremony..

Weird. Sad. Exciting. Thrilling. Scary.

What will I do after this, you ask? After this milestone of my life? I do not know what life will bring, where it will take me. Very few end up where they expected, or maybe some do? But not me, for I do not expect much, still I expect a lot.

I will not start studying right away. Because I want to be sure before I do, I don't want to waste a year on doing something random just because I can't decide. I will take a year and just be me, find myself, do what I want to do! I will work, I will read, I will play the guitar, I will write. When I have saved up money, I will travel. Either to Africa and do voluntary work, or just backpacking! This is my dream. I have to follow my dreams. I don't care about money, it is way more important to do something you like to do than do something just because it's paying well.

And while I'm doing this I will find out what and where to study. My dream is really London, pherhaps human rights? Or journalism, but I might do this in Norway afterwards.

søndag 17. mai 2009

4 reasons to celebrate! OOOH YEAH!

1. Happy 17th of May!! Norway's national day :D

2. Norway's Alexander Rybak won the Eurovision Contest! A runaway victory it was, he got 387 points! Iceland made it to number 2 with 218 points. Go Alex! Norway!!

3. Ålesund soccer team beat Lyn 2-0!'

4. Russ 09! Party on the 16th of May which was awesome! The russ time is over, the party time. 17 days of parties, bonfires and fun is over.. 17 fantastic days! 17 exhausting days!


fredag 15. mai 2009

Beer test! Shaker the party maker!

Russeposten editor, journalist and graphic designer! We done good.

Beer test:

Testing the beer...

And the winners are...:
"Bare" rusbrus aka shaker - the party maker!
and Heineken beer! <3

tirsdag 5. mai 2009

Mari's confirmation

May 1.! Russ 09!

Russ - me and Jannicke

In da car :)

On the roof!

Barbeque.. Mmm :)